We've collected together some useful information for parents and guardians of members of Cringleford Scout Group. If there's something you're not sure about, hopefully you'll find the answer here.
If you have any suggestions for things to include on this page, please get in touch by emailing us at enquiries@cringlefordscouts.org.uk.
As some of the government restrictions around the COVID-19 pandemic have been relaxed, we’re beginning to return to face-to-face activities. Our restarting plans will follow all government rules and guidance from Scouts’ UKHQ. Our priority is to keep young people and adults safe.
An outline of how we will operate, following Scouts’ ‘COVID Code’:
Returning to Scouts will happen in phases, the first of which will let us resume outdoor activities in small groups. Returning to face-to-face Scouts is voluntary for all young people, parents/carers and volunteers. We encourage all parents and carers, young people and volunteers to raise concerns, ask questions and provide feedback.
Please click on the link below if you would like to read our complete risk assessment for the return to face-to-face Scouting.